Letters from Europe is a performance project that delves into unheard stories from European people. It is leaded by two performance artists Minka Laukniemi and Milka Rasimus. Other members of the current working group are video documenter Anni Suvanto, sound designer and graphic designer Tella Vahala, and lighting designer Rita Löytty. Letters from Europe is a part of the international Theater in Palm -project funded by Creative Europe.


The project involves collecting virtual letters from across Europe to uncover forgotten stories or place specific memories. The dramaturgy of the performance is shaped by these letters and stories from Europeans. The call for letters, distributed through the Theater in Palm network, encourages diverse narratives and forgotten memories. Letters can take various forms and are written in English, with the option to include native language clips. Laukniemi and Suvanto will travel on a contact trip to 3-6 selected countries in June-July 2024, collecting stories and visiting memories on the way. In August 2024, the current working group will gather for a residency at the Turku Academy of Arts. The results of the residency and documentation of the travel will be presented in Turku as part of the first stage's artistic output in early September 2024.


The second phase aims to produce a contemporary theater performance in 2026. This performance, realized by an international working group, will incorporate elements, stories, and materials gathered during the first phase, employing a cross-disciplinary approach. The project fosters international cooperation among artists and shares diverse stories from across the continent. The working group will be gathered together through an open call via Theatre in Palm network, calling artists from the countries the letters are from. The premiere is planned in late 2026, followed by a European tour.

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